From this page you can navigate your way to the individual image galleries containing paintings, drawings, prints, motion graphics, digital work, and photo transfers.
This gallery contains my recent experiments with monoprinting, drypoint, tetrapack and collagraph.
I love my crayons.
From this page you can access a series of galleries of digital images.
Paintings in this gallery include those done in1990s, oilstick on paper, as well as acrylic paintings on paper during 2017 and 2018.
These animations and short videos range from the ridiculous to the sublime. “The Pleasure in Drawing” was done using Brushes on the Ipad and the text animated in Adobe After Effects.
These images are digital photographs transferred to stone paper.
These pencil and graphite drawings span the years from 2013-2019. Some are done from nature, some from the imagination, some from memory.